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"ModulesContactinfoShop" => array:8 [ …8]
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"AdminAdvparametersHelp" => array:110 [ …110]
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"AdminCatalogHelp" => array:150 [ …150]
"AdminCatalogNotification" => array:187 [ …187]
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"AdminDashboardHelp" => array:10 [ …10]
"AdminDashboardNotification" => array:4 [ …4]
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"AdminDesignHelp" => array:62 [ …62]
"AdminDesignNotification" => array:41 [ …41]
"AdminGlobal" => array:303 [ …303]
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"AdminInternationalHelp" => array:81 [ …81]
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"AdminNotificationsWarning" => array:18 [ …18]
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"AdminOrderscustomersHelp" => array:52 [ …52]
"AdminOrderscustomersNotification" => array:201 [ …201]
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"AdminPaymentHelp" => array:7 [ …7]
"AdminPaymentNotification" => array:11 [ …11]
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"AdminShippingHelp" => array:44 [ …44]
"AdminShippingNotification" => array:18 [ …18]
"AdminShopparametersFeature" => array:321 [ …321]
"AdminShopparametersHelp" => array:155 [ …155]
"AdminShopparametersNotification" => array:45 [ …45]
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"AdminStatsHelp" => array:4 [ …4]
"AdminStatsNotification" => array:3 [ …3]
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"GlobalActions" => array:2 [ …2]
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"ModulesBrandlistShop" => array:2 [ …2]
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"ModulesDateofdeliveryShop" => array:5 [ …5]
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"ModulesEmailsubscriptionShop" => array:14 [ …14]
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"ModulesFacetedsearchShop" => array:13 [ …13]
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"ModulesImagesliderAdmin" => array:38 [ …38]
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"ModulesLegalcomplianceAdmin" => array:63 [ …63]
"ModulesLegalcomplianceShop" => array:21 [ …21]
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"ModulesLinklistShop" => array:2 [ …2]
"ModulesLivetranslationAdmin" => array:14 [ …14]
"ModulesLivetranslationShop" => array:1 [ …1]
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"ModulesReminderAdmin" => array:40 [ …40]
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"ModulesRssfeedShop" => array:1 [ …1]
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"ModulesSearchbarShop" => array:1 [ …1]
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"ModulesSharebuttonsShop" => array:4 [ …4]
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"ModulesSocialfollowAdmin" => array:20 [ …20]
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"ModulesStatsbestproductsAdmin" => array:6 [ …6]
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"ModulesStatsbestvouchersAdmin" => array:4 [ …4]
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"ModulesStatscatalogAdmin" => array:17 [ …17]
"ModulesStatscheckupAdmin" => array:17 [ …17]
"ModulesStatsdataAdmin" => array:8 [ …8]
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"ModulesStatsregistrationsAdmin" => array:15 [ …15]
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"ModulesStatsstockAdmin" => array:9 [ …9]
"ModulesStatsvisitsAdmin" => array:14 [ …14]
"ModulesSupplierlistAdmin" => array:9 [ …9]
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"ModulesTrackingfrontShop" => array:34 [ …34]
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"ModulesWelcomeAdmin" => array:55 [ …55]
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"ModulesWirepaymentShop" => array:20 [ …20]
"ShopDemoCatalog" => array:58 [ …58]
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"ShopNotificationsError" => array:99 [ …99]
"ShopNotificationsInfo" => array:1 [ …1]
"ShopNotificationsSuccess" => array:9 [ …9]
"ShopNotificationsWarning" => array:8 [ …8]
"ShopPdf" => array:95 [ …95]
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Name="Document Map"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Plain Text"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="E-mail Signature"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="HTML Top of Form"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="HTML Bottom of Form"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Normal (Web)"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="HTML Acronym"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="HTML Address"/>\r\n
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Name="HTML Cite"/>\r\n
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Name="HTML Code"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="HTML Definition"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="HTML Keyboard"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="HTML Preformatted"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="HTML Sample"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="HTML Typewriter"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="HTML Variable"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Normal Table"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="annotation subject"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="No List"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Outline List 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Outline List 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Outline List 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Simple 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Simple 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Simple 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Classic 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Classic 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Classic 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Classic 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Colorful 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Colorful 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Colorful 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Columns 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Columns 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Columns 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Columns 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Columns 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Grid 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Grid 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Grid 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Grid 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Grid 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Grid 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Grid 7"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Grid 8"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table List 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table List 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table List 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table List 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table List 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table List 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table List 7"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table List 8"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table 3D effects 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table 3D effects 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table 3D effects 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Contemporary"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Elegant"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Professional"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Subtle 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Subtle 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Web 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Web 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Web 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Balloon Text"/>\r\n
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<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Theme"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" Name="Placeholder Text"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="1" QFormat="true" Name="No Spacing"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="60" Name="Light Shading"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="61" Name="Light List"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="62" Name="Light Grid"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="63" Name="Medium Shading 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="64" Name="Medium Shading 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="65" Name="Medium List 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="66" Name="Medium List 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="67" Name="Medium Grid 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="68" Name="Medium Grid 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="69" Name="Medium Grid 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="70" Name="Dark List"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="71" Name="Colorful Shading"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="72" Name="Colorful List"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="73" Name="Colorful Grid"/>\r\n
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<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="61" Name="Light List Accent 1"/>\r\n
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<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="63" Name="Medium Shading 1 Accent 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="64" Name="Medium Shading 2 Accent 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="65" Name="Medium List 1 Accent 1"/>\r\n
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<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="34" QFormat="true"\r\n
Name="List Paragraph"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="29" QFormat="true" Name="Quote"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="30" QFormat="true"\r\n
Name="Intense Quote"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="66" Name="Medium List 2 Accent 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="67" Name="Medium Grid 1 Accent 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="68" Name="Medium Grid 2 Accent 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="69" Name="Medium Grid 3 Accent 1"/>\r\n
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<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="71" Name="Colorful Shading Accent 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="72" Name="Colorful List Accent 1"/>\r\n
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<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="61" Name="Light List Accent 2"/>\r\n
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<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="63" Name="Medium Shading 1 Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="64" Name="Medium Shading 2 Accent 2"/>\r\n
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<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="66" Name="Medium List 2 Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="67" Name="Medium Grid 1 Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="68" Name="Medium Grid 2 Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="69" Name="Medium Grid 3 Accent 2"/>\r\n
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<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="71" Name="Colorful Shading Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="72" Name="Colorful List Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="73" Name="Colorful Grid Accent 2"/>\r\n
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<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="61" Name="Light List Accent 3"/>\r\n
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<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="63" Name="Medium Shading 1 Accent 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="64" Name="Medium Shading 2 Accent 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="65" Name="Medium List 1 Accent 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="66" Name="Medium List 2 Accent 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="67" Name="Medium Grid 1 Accent 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="68" Name="Medium Grid 2 Accent 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="69" Name="Medium Grid 3 Accent 3"/>\r\n
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<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="71" Name="Colorful Shading Accent 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="72" Name="Colorful List Accent 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="73" Name="Colorful Grid Accent 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="60" Name="Light Shading Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="61" Name="Light List Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="62" Name="Light Grid Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="63" Name="Medium Shading 1 Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="64" Name="Medium Shading 2 Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="65" Name="Medium List 1 Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="66" Name="Medium List 2 Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="67" Name="Medium Grid 1 Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="68" Name="Medium Grid 2 Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="69" Name="Medium Grid 3 Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="70" Name="Dark List Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="71" Name="Colorful Shading Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="72" Name="Colorful List Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="73" Name="Colorful Grid Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="60" Name="Light Shading Accent 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="61" Name="Light List Accent 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="62" Name="Light Grid Accent 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="63" Name="Medium Shading 1 Accent 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="64" Name="Medium Shading 2 Accent 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="65" Name="Medium List 1 Accent 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="66" Name="Medium List 2 Accent 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="67" Name="Medium Grid 1 Accent 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="68" Name="Medium Grid 2 Accent 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="69" Name="Medium Grid 3 Accent 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="70" Name="Dark List Accent 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="71" Name="Colorful Shading Accent 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="72" Name="Colorful List Accent 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="73" Name="Colorful Grid Accent 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="60" Name="Light Shading Accent 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="61" Name="Light List Accent 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="62" Name="Light Grid Accent 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="63" Name="Medium Shading 1 Accent 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="64" Name="Medium Shading 2 Accent 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="65" Name="Medium List 1 Accent 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="66" Name="Medium List 2 Accent 6"/>\r\n
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<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="68" Name="Medium Grid 2 Accent 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="69" Name="Medium Grid 3 Accent 6"/>\r\n
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<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="72" Name="Colorful List Accent 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="73" Name="Colorful Grid Accent 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="19" QFormat="true"\r\n
Name="Subtle Emphasis"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="21" QFormat="true"\r\n
Name="Intense Emphasis"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="31" QFormat="true"\r\n
Name="Subtle Reference"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="32" QFormat="true"\r\n
Name="Intense Reference"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="33" QFormat="true" Name="Book Title"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="37" SemiHidden="true"\r\n
UnhideWhenUsed="true" Name="Bibliography"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="39" SemiHidden="true"\r\n
UnhideWhenUsed="true" QFormat="true" Name="TOC Heading"/>\r\n
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<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="42" Name="Plain Table 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="43" Name="Plain Table 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="44" Name="Plain Table 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="45" Name="Plain Table 5"/>\r\n
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<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="48" Name="Grid Table 3"/>\r\n
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<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="50" Name="Grid Table 5 Dark"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="51" Name="Grid Table 6 Colorful"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="52" Name="Grid Table 7 Colorful"/>\r\n
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Name="Grid Table 1 Light Accent 1"/>\r\n
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<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="48" Name="Grid Table 3 Accent 1"/>\r\n
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<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="50" Name="Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="51"\r\n
Name="Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="52"\r\n
Name="Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 1"/>\r\n
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Name="Grid Table 1 Light Accent 2"/>\r\n
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<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="48" Name="Grid Table 3 Accent 2"/>\r\n
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<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="50" Name="Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="51"\r\n
Name="Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="52"\r\n
Name="Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="46"\r\n
Name="Grid Table 1 Light Accent 3"/>\r\n
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<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="48" Name="Grid Table 3 Accent 3"/>\r\n
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<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="50" Name="Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="51"\r\n
Name="Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="52"\r\n
Name="Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="46"\r\n
Name="Grid Table 1 Light Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="47" Name="Grid Table 2 Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="48" Name="Grid Table 3 Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="49" Name="Grid Table 4 Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="50" Name="Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="51"\r\n
Name="Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="52"\r\n
Name="Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="46"\r\n
Name="Grid Table 1 Light Accent 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="47" Name="Grid Table 2 Accent 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="48" Name="Grid Table 3 Accent 5"/>\r\n
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<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="50" Name="Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="51"\r\n
Name="Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="52"\r\n
Name="Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="46"\r\n
Name="Grid Table 1 Light Accent 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="47" Name="Grid Table 2 Accent 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="48" Name="Grid Table 3 Accent 6"/>\r\n
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<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="50" Name="Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="51"\r\n
Name="Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="52"\r\n
Name="Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="46" Name="List Table 1 Light"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="47" Name="List Table 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="48" Name="List Table 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="49" Name="List Table 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="50" Name="List Table 5 Dark"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="51" Name="List Table 6 Colorful"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="52" Name="List Table 7 Colorful"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="46"\r\n
Name="List Table 1 Light Accent 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="47" Name="List Table 2 Accent 1"/>\r\n
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Name="List Table 6 Colorful Accent 1"/>\r\n
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Name="List Table 7 Colorful Accent 1"/>\r\n
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Name="List Table 1 Light Accent 2"/>\r\n
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<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="48" Name="List Table 3 Accent 2"/>\r\n
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Name="List Table 6 Colorful Accent 2"/>\r\n
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Name="List Table 7 Colorful Accent 2"/>\r\n
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Name="List Table 1 Light Accent 3"/>\r\n
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Name="List Table 6 Colorful Accent 3"/>\r\n
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Name="List Table 7 Colorful Accent 3"/>\r\n
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Name="List Table 1 Light Accent 4"/>\r\n
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Name="List Table 6 Colorful Accent 4"/>\r\n
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Name="List Table 7 Colorful Accent 4"/>\r\n
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Name="List Table 1 Light Accent 5"/>\r\n
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Name="List Table 6 Colorful Accent 5"/>\r\n
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Name="List Table 7 Colorful Accent 5"/>\r\n
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Name="List Table 1 Light Accent 6"/>\r\n
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Name="List Table 6 Colorful Accent 6"/>\r\n
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Name="List Table 7 Colorful Accent 6"/>\r\n
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<p><strong>Couleurs</strong> : voir visuel <br /> <strong>Matière</strong> : bioplastique</p>\r\n
<p>Fabriqué en Allemagne / Fabriqué à partir d'électricité verte / BIO Based</p>\r\n
<p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Tarifs indiqués avec personnalisation 1 couleur 50 x 20 mm sur le corps</span> - Tous frais inclus</p>\r\n
<p><strong>Délai</strong> : environ 15 jours après validation du bon de commande et du bon à tirer mail<br /> Délai Express nous consulter</p>\r\n
<p>Franco de port France Métropolitaine, hors Corse.</p>\r\n
<p><em>Nos conseillers sont à votre disposition : </em><a href=""><i></i></a><em> / 04 72 02 02 81</em><i><br /> <em>Notre Showroom : 71 avenue du Progrès – 69680 Chassieu</em></i></p>
"description_short" => """
<p>Le nouveau stylo bio de chez senator®</p>\r\n
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Name="footnote text"/>\r\n
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Name="envelope address"/>\r\n
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Name="envelope return"/>\r\n
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Name="footnote reference"/>\r\n
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Name="annotation reference"/>\r\n
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Name="line number"/>\r\n
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Name="table of authorities"/>\r\n
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Name="toa heading"/>\r\n
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Name="List Bullet"/>\r\n
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Name="List Number"/>\r\n
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Name="List 2"/>\r\n
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Name="List 3"/>\r\n
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Name="List 4"/>\r\n
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Name="List 5"/>\r\n
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Name="List Bullet 2"/>\r\n
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Name="List Bullet 3"/>\r\n
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Name="List Bullet 4"/>\r\n
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Name="List Bullet 5"/>\r\n
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Name="List Number 2"/>\r\n
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Name="List Number 3"/>\r\n
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Name="List Number 4"/>\r\n
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Name="List Number 5"/>\r\n
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Name="Body Text Indent"/>\r\n
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Name="List Continue"/>\r\n
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Name="List Continue 2"/>\r\n
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Name="List Continue 3"/>\r\n
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Name="List Continue 4"/>\r\n
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Name="List Continue 5"/>\r\n
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Name="Message Header"/>\r\n
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Name="Body Text First Indent 2"/>\r\n
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Name="Note Heading"/>\r\n
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Name="Body Text 2"/>\r\n
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Name="Body Text 3"/>\r\n
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Name="Body Text Indent 2"/>\r\n
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Name="Body Text Indent 3"/>\r\n
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Name="Block Text"/>\r\n
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Name="Document Map"/>\r\n
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Name="Plain Text"/>\r\n
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Name="E-mail Signature"/>\r\n
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Name="HTML Top of Form"/>\r\n
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Name="HTML Bottom of Form"/>\r\n
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Name="Normal (Web)"/>\r\n
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Name="HTML Acronym"/>\r\n
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Name="HTML Address"/>\r\n
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Name="HTML Cite"/>\r\n
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Name="HTML Code"/>\r\n
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Name="HTML Definition"/>\r\n
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Name="HTML Keyboard"/>\r\n
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Name="HTML Preformatted"/>\r\n
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Name="HTML Sample"/>\r\n
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Name="HTML Typewriter"/>\r\n
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Name="HTML Variable"/>\r\n
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Name="Normal Table"/>\r\n
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Name="annotation subject"/>\r\n
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Name="No List"/>\r\n
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Name="Outline List 1"/>\r\n
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Name="Outline List 2"/>\r\n
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Name="Outline List 3"/>\r\n
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Name="Table Simple 1"/>\r\n
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Name="Table Simple 2"/>\r\n
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Name="Table Simple 3"/>\r\n
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Name="Table Classic 1"/>\r\n
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Name="Table Classic 2"/>\r\n
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Name="Table Classic 3"/>\r\n
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Name="Table Classic 4"/>\r\n
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Name="Table Colorful 1"/>\r\n
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Name="Table Colorful 2"/>\r\n
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Name="Table Colorful 3"/>\r\n
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Name="Table Columns 1"/>\r\n
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Name="Table Columns 2"/>\r\n
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Name="Table Columns 3"/>\r\n
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Name="Table Columns 4"/>\r\n
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Name="Table Columns 5"/>\r\n
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Name="Table Grid 1"/>\r\n
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Name="Table Grid 2"/>\r\n
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Name="Table Grid 3"/>\r\n
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Name="Table Grid 4"/>\r\n
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Name="Table Grid 5"/>\r\n
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Name="Table Grid 6"/>\r\n
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Name="Table Grid 7"/>\r\n
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Name="Table Grid 8"/>\r\n
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Name="Table List 1"/>\r\n
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Name="Table List 2"/>\r\n
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Name="Table List 3"/>\r\n
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Name="Table List 4"/>\r\n
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Name="Table List 5"/>\r\n
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Name="Table List 6"/>\r\n
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Name="Table List 7"/>\r\n
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Name="Table List 8"/>\r\n
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Name="Table 3D effects 1"/>\r\n
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Name="Table 3D effects 2"/>\r\n
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Name="Table 3D effects 3"/>\r\n
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Name="Table Contemporary"/>\r\n
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Name="Table Elegant"/>\r\n
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Name="Table Professional"/>\r\n
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Name="Table Subtle 1"/>\r\n
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Name="Table Subtle 2"/>\r\n
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Name="Table Web 1"/>\r\n
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Name="Table Web 2"/>\r\n
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Name="Table Web 3"/>\r\n
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Name="Balloon Text"/>\r\n
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Name="Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 2"/>\r\n
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Name="Grid Table 1 Light Accent 3"/>\r\n
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Name="List Table 1 Light Accent 1"/>\r\n
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Name="List Table 1 Light Accent 3"/>\r\n
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Name="List Table 6 Colorful Accent 3"/>\r\n
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Name="List Table 7 Colorful Accent 3"/>\r\n
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Name="List Table 1 Light Accent 4"/>\r\n
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Name="List Table 6 Colorful Accent 4"/>\r\n
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Name="List Table 7 Colorful Accent 4"/>\r\n
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Name="List Table 1 Light Accent 5"/>\r\n
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Name="annotation reference"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="line number"/>\r\n
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Name="page number"/>\r\n
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Name="endnote reference"/>\r\n
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Name="endnote text"/>\r\n
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Name="table of authorities"/>\r\n
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Name="toa heading"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
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Name="List Bullet"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="List Number"/>\r\n
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Name="List 2"/>\r\n
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Name="List 3"/>\r\n
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Name="List 4"/>\r\n
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Name="List 5"/>\r\n
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Name="List Bullet 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="List Bullet 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="List Bullet 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="List Bullet 5"/>\r\n
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Name="List Number 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="List Number 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="List Number 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="List Number 5"/>\r\n
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<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
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UnhideWhenUsed="true" Name="Default Paragraph Font"/>\r\n
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Name="Body Text"/>\r\n
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Name="Body Text Indent"/>\r\n
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Name="List Continue"/>\r\n
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Name="List Continue 2"/>\r\n
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Name="List Continue 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="List Continue 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="List Continue 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Message Header"/>\r\n
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<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
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Name="Body Text First Indent"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Body Text First Indent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Note Heading"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Body Text 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Body Text 3"/>\r\n
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Name="Body Text Indent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Body Text Indent 3"/>\r\n
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Name="Block Text"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
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Name="Document Map"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Plain Text"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="E-mail Signature"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="HTML Top of Form"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="HTML Bottom of Form"/>\r\n
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Name="Normal (Web)"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="HTML Acronym"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="HTML Address"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="HTML Cite"/>\r\n
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Name="HTML Code"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="HTML Definition"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="HTML Keyboard"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="HTML Preformatted"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="HTML Sample"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="HTML Typewriter"/>\r\n
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Name="HTML Variable"/>\r\n
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Name="Normal Table"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="annotation subject"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="No List"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Outline List 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Outline List 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Outline List 3"/>\r\n
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Name="Table Simple 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Simple 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Simple 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Classic 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Classic 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Classic 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Classic 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Colorful 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Colorful 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Colorful 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Columns 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Columns 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Columns 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Columns 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Columns 5"/>\r\n
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Name="Table Grid 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Grid 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Grid 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Grid 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Grid 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Grid 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Grid 7"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Grid 8"/>\r\n
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Name="Table List 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table List 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table List 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table List 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table List 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table List 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table List 7"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table List 8"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table 3D effects 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table 3D effects 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table 3D effects 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Contemporary"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Elegant"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Professional"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Subtle 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Subtle 2"/>\r\n
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Name="Table Web 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Web 2"/>\r\n
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Name="Table Web 3"/>\r\n
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Name="Balloon Text"/>\r\n
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<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Theme"/>\r\n
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<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="64" Name="Medium Shading 2"/>\r\n
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<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="66" Name="Medium List 2"/>\r\n
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<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="68" Name="Medium Grid 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="69" Name="Medium Grid 3"/>\r\n
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<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="71" Name="Colorful Shading"/>\r\n
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Name="List Paragraph"/>\r\n
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<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="30" QFormat="true"\r\n
Name="Intense Quote"/>\r\n
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<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="66" Name="Medium List 2 Accent 5"/>\r\n
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Name="Subtle Emphasis"/>\r\n
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Name="Intense Emphasis"/>\r\n
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Name="Subtle Reference"/>\r\n
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Name="Intense Reference"/>\r\n
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UnhideWhenUsed="true" Name="Bibliography"/>\r\n
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UnhideWhenUsed="true" QFormat="true" Name="TOC Heading"/>\r\n
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Name="Grid Table 1 Light Accent 1"/>\r\n
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Name="Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 1"/>\r\n
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Name="Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 1"/>\r\n
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Name="Grid Table 1 Light Accent 2"/>\r\n
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Name="Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 2"/>\r\n
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Name="Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 2"/>\r\n
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Name="Grid Table 1 Light Accent 3"/>\r\n
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Name="Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 3"/>\r\n
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Name="Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 3"/>\r\n
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Name="Grid Table 1 Light Accent 4"/>\r\n
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Name="Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 4"/>\r\n
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Name="Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 4"/>\r\n
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Name="Grid Table 1 Light Accent 5"/>\r\n
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Name="Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="52"\r\n
Name="Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 5"/>\r\n
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Name="Grid Table 1 Light Accent 6"/>\r\n
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Name="Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="52"\r\n
Name="Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="46" Name="List Table 1 Light"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="47" Name="List Table 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="48" Name="List Table 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="49" Name="List Table 4"/>\r\n
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<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="52" Name="List Table 7 Colorful"/>\r\n
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Name="List Table 1 Light Accent 1"/>\r\n
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Name="List Table 6 Colorful Accent 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="52"\r\n
Name="List Table 7 Colorful Accent 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="46"\r\n
Name="List Table 1 Light Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="47" Name="List Table 2 Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="48" Name="List Table 3 Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="49" Name="List Table 4 Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="50" Name="List Table 5 Dark Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="51"\r\n
Name="List Table 6 Colorful Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="52"\r\n
Name="List Table 7 Colorful Accent 2"/>\r\n
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Name="List Table 1 Light Accent 3"/>\r\n
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<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="48" Name="List Table 3 Accent 3"/>\r\n
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<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="50" Name="List Table 5 Dark Accent 3"/>\r\n
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Name="List Table 6 Colorful Accent 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="52"\r\n
Name="List Table 7 Colorful Accent 3"/>\r\n
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Name="List Table 1 Light Accent 4"/>\r\n
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Name="List Table 6 Colorful Accent 4"/>\r\n
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Name="List Table 7 Colorful Accent 4"/>\r\n
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Name="List Table 1 Light Accent 5"/>\r\n
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Name="List Table 6 Colorful Accent 5"/>\r\n
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Name="List Table 7 Colorful Accent 5"/>\r\n
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Name="List Table 1 Light Accent 6"/>\r\n
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Name="List Table 6 Colorful Accent 6"/>\r\n
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Name="List Table 7 Colorful Accent 6"/>\r\n
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<p><strong>Couleurs</strong> : voir visuel <br /> <strong>Matière</strong> : bioplastique</p>\r\n
<p>Fabriqué en Allemagne / Fabriqué à partir d'électricité verte / BIO Based</p>\r\n
<p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Tarifs indiqués avec personnalisation 1 couleur 50 x 20 mm sur le corps</span> - Tous frais inclus</p>\r\n
<p><strong>Délai</strong> : environ 15 jours après validation du bon de commande et du bon à tirer mail<br /> Délai Express nous consulter</p>\r\n
<p>Franco de port France Métropolitaine, hors Corse.</p>\r\n
<p><em>Nos conseillers sont à votre disposition : </em><a href=""><i></i></a><em> / 04 72 02 02 81</em><i><br /> <em>Notre Showroom : 71 avenue du Progrès – 69680 Chassieu</em></i></p>
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<p>Le nouveau stylo bio de chez senator®</p>\r\n
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Name="index 2"/>\r\n
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Name="index 3"/>\r\n
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Name="index 4"/>\r\n
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Name="index 5"/>\r\n
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Name="Normal Indent"/>\r\n
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Name="footnote text"/>\r\n
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Name="annotation text"/>\r\n
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Name="envelope address"/>\r\n
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Name="envelope return"/>\r\n
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Name="footnote reference"/>\r\n
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Name="annotation reference"/>\r\n
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Name="line number"/>\r\n
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Name="page number"/>\r\n
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Name="endnote reference"/>\r\n
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Name="endnote text"/>\r\n
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Name="table of authorities"/>\r\n
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Name="toa heading"/>\r\n
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Name="List Bullet"/>\r\n
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Name="List Number"/>\r\n
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Name="List 2"/>\r\n
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Name="List 3"/>\r\n
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Name="List 4"/>\r\n
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Name="List 5"/>\r\n
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Name="List Bullet 3"/>\r\n
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Name="List Bullet 4"/>\r\n
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Name="List Bullet 5"/>\r\n
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Name="List Number 2"/>\r\n
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Name="List Number 3"/>\r\n
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Name="List Number 4"/>\r\n
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Name="List Number 5"/>\r\n
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Name="Body Text"/>\r\n
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Name="Body Text Indent"/>\r\n
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Name="List Continue"/>\r\n
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Name="List Continue 2"/>\r\n
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Name="List Continue 3"/>\r\n
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Name="List Continue 4"/>\r\n
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Name="List Continue 5"/>\r\n
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Name="Message Header"/>\r\n
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Name="Body Text First Indent 2"/>\r\n
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Name="Note Heading"/>\r\n
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Name="Body Text 2"/>\r\n
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Name="Body Text 3"/>\r\n
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Name="Body Text Indent 2"/>\r\n
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Name="Body Text Indent 3"/>\r\n
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Name="Block Text"/>\r\n
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Name="Document Map"/>\r\n
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Name="Plain Text"/>\r\n
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Name="E-mail Signature"/>\r\n
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Name="HTML Top of Form"/>\r\n
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Name="HTML Bottom of Form"/>\r\n
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Name="Normal (Web)"/>\r\n
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Name="HTML Acronym"/>\r\n
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Name="HTML Address"/>\r\n
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Name="HTML Cite"/>\r\n
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Name="HTML Code"/>\r\n
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Name="HTML Definition"/>\r\n
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Name="HTML Keyboard"/>\r\n
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Name="HTML Preformatted"/>\r\n
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Name="HTML Sample"/>\r\n
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Name="HTML Typewriter"/>\r\n
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Name="HTML Variable"/>\r\n
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Name="Normal Table"/>\r\n
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Name="annotation subject"/>\r\n
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Name="No List"/>\r\n
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Name="Outline List 1"/>\r\n
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Name="Outline List 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Outline List 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Simple 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Simple 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Simple 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Classic 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Classic 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Classic 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Classic 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Colorful 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Colorful 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Colorful 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Columns 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Columns 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Columns 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Columns 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Columns 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Grid 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Grid 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Grid 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Grid 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Grid 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Grid 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Grid 7"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Grid 8"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table List 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table List 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table List 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table List 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table List 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table List 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table List 7"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table List 8"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table 3D effects 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table 3D effects 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table 3D effects 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Contemporary"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Elegant"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Professional"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Subtle 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Subtle 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Web 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Web 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Web 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Balloon Text"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="39" Name="Table Grid"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" UnhideWhenUsed="true"\r\n
Name="Table Theme"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" Name="Placeholder Text"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="1" QFormat="true" Name="No Spacing"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="60" Name="Light Shading"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="61" Name="Light List"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="62" Name="Light Grid"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="63" Name="Medium Shading 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="64" Name="Medium Shading 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="65" Name="Medium List 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="66" Name="Medium List 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="67" Name="Medium Grid 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="68" Name="Medium Grid 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="69" Name="Medium Grid 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="70" Name="Dark List"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="71" Name="Colorful Shading"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="72" Name="Colorful List"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="73" Name="Colorful Grid"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="60" Name="Light Shading Accent 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="61" Name="Light List Accent 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="62" Name="Light Grid Accent 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="63" Name="Medium Shading 1 Accent 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="64" Name="Medium Shading 2 Accent 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="65" Name="Medium List 1 Accent 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" SemiHidden="true" Name="Revision"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="34" QFormat="true"\r\n
Name="List Paragraph"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="29" QFormat="true" Name="Quote"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="30" QFormat="true"\r\n
Name="Intense Quote"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="66" Name="Medium List 2 Accent 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="67" Name="Medium Grid 1 Accent 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="68" Name="Medium Grid 2 Accent 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="69" Name="Medium Grid 3 Accent 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="70" Name="Dark List Accent 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="71" Name="Colorful Shading Accent 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="72" Name="Colorful List Accent 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="73" Name="Colorful Grid Accent 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="60" Name="Light Shading Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="61" Name="Light List Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="62" Name="Light Grid Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="63" Name="Medium Shading 1 Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="64" Name="Medium Shading 2 Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="65" Name="Medium List 1 Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="66" Name="Medium List 2 Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="67" Name="Medium Grid 1 Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="68" Name="Medium Grid 2 Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="69" Name="Medium Grid 3 Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="70" Name="Dark List Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="71" Name="Colorful Shading Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="72" Name="Colorful List Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="73" Name="Colorful Grid Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="60" Name="Light Shading Accent 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="61" Name="Light List Accent 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="62" Name="Light Grid Accent 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="63" Name="Medium Shading 1 Accent 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="64" Name="Medium Shading 2 Accent 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="65" Name="Medium List 1 Accent 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="66" Name="Medium List 2 Accent 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="67" Name="Medium Grid 1 Accent 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="68" Name="Medium Grid 2 Accent 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="69" Name="Medium Grid 3 Accent 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="70" Name="Dark List Accent 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="71" Name="Colorful Shading Accent 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="72" Name="Colorful List Accent 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="73" Name="Colorful Grid Accent 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="60" Name="Light Shading Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="61" Name="Light List Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="62" Name="Light Grid Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="63" Name="Medium Shading 1 Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="64" Name="Medium Shading 2 Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="65" Name="Medium List 1 Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="66" Name="Medium List 2 Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="67" Name="Medium Grid 1 Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="68" Name="Medium Grid 2 Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="69" Name="Medium Grid 3 Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="70" Name="Dark List Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="71" Name="Colorful Shading Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="72" Name="Colorful List Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="73" Name="Colorful Grid Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="60" Name="Light Shading Accent 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="61" Name="Light List Accent 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="62" Name="Light Grid Accent 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="63" Name="Medium Shading 1 Accent 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="64" Name="Medium Shading 2 Accent 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="65" Name="Medium List 1 Accent 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="66" Name="Medium List 2 Accent 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="67" Name="Medium Grid 1 Accent 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="68" Name="Medium Grid 2 Accent 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="69" Name="Medium Grid 3 Accent 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="70" Name="Dark List Accent 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="71" Name="Colorful Shading Accent 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="72" Name="Colorful List Accent 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="73" Name="Colorful Grid Accent 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="60" Name="Light Shading Accent 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="61" Name="Light List Accent 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="62" Name="Light Grid Accent 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="63" Name="Medium Shading 1 Accent 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="64" Name="Medium Shading 2 Accent 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="65" Name="Medium List 1 Accent 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="66" Name="Medium List 2 Accent 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="67" Name="Medium Grid 1 Accent 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="68" Name="Medium Grid 2 Accent 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="69" Name="Medium Grid 3 Accent 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="70" Name="Dark List Accent 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="71" Name="Colorful Shading Accent 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="72" Name="Colorful List Accent 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="73" Name="Colorful Grid Accent 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="19" QFormat="true"\r\n
Name="Subtle Emphasis"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="21" QFormat="true"\r\n
Name="Intense Emphasis"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="31" QFormat="true"\r\n
Name="Subtle Reference"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="32" QFormat="true"\r\n
Name="Intense Reference"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="33" QFormat="true" Name="Book Title"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="37" SemiHidden="true"\r\n
UnhideWhenUsed="true" Name="Bibliography"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="39" SemiHidden="true"\r\n
UnhideWhenUsed="true" QFormat="true" Name="TOC Heading"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="41" Name="Plain Table 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="42" Name="Plain Table 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="43" Name="Plain Table 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="44" Name="Plain Table 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="45" Name="Plain Table 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="40" Name="Grid Table Light"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="46" Name="Grid Table 1 Light"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="47" Name="Grid Table 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="48" Name="Grid Table 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="49" Name="Grid Table 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="50" Name="Grid Table 5 Dark"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="51" Name="Grid Table 6 Colorful"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="52" Name="Grid Table 7 Colorful"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="46"\r\n
Name="Grid Table 1 Light Accent 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="47" Name="Grid Table 2 Accent 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="48" Name="Grid Table 3 Accent 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="49" Name="Grid Table 4 Accent 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="50" Name="Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="51"\r\n
Name="Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="52"\r\n
Name="Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="46"\r\n
Name="Grid Table 1 Light Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="47" Name="Grid Table 2 Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="48" Name="Grid Table 3 Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="49" Name="Grid Table 4 Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="50" Name="Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="51"\r\n
Name="Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="52"\r\n
Name="Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="46"\r\n
Name="Grid Table 1 Light Accent 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="47" Name="Grid Table 2 Accent 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="48" Name="Grid Table 3 Accent 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="49" Name="Grid Table 4 Accent 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="50" Name="Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="51"\r\n
Name="Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="52"\r\n
Name="Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="46"\r\n
Name="Grid Table 1 Light Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="47" Name="Grid Table 2 Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="48" Name="Grid Table 3 Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="49" Name="Grid Table 4 Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="50" Name="Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="51"\r\n
Name="Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="52"\r\n
Name="Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="46"\r\n
Name="Grid Table 1 Light Accent 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="47" Name="Grid Table 2 Accent 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="48" Name="Grid Table 3 Accent 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="49" Name="Grid Table 4 Accent 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="50" Name="Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="51"\r\n
Name="Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="52"\r\n
Name="Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 5"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="46"\r\n
Name="Grid Table 1 Light Accent 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="47" Name="Grid Table 2 Accent 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="48" Name="Grid Table 3 Accent 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="49" Name="Grid Table 4 Accent 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="50" Name="Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="51"\r\n
Name="Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="52"\r\n
Name="Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 6"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="46" Name="List Table 1 Light"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="47" Name="List Table 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="48" Name="List Table 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="49" Name="List Table 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="50" Name="List Table 5 Dark"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="51" Name="List Table 6 Colorful"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="52" Name="List Table 7 Colorful"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="46"\r\n
Name="List Table 1 Light Accent 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="47" Name="List Table 2 Accent 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="48" Name="List Table 3 Accent 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="49" Name="List Table 4 Accent 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="50" Name="List Table 5 Dark Accent 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="51"\r\n
Name="List Table 6 Colorful Accent 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="52"\r\n
Name="List Table 7 Colorful Accent 1"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="46"\r\n
Name="List Table 1 Light Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="47" Name="List Table 2 Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="48" Name="List Table 3 Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="49" Name="List Table 4 Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="50" Name="List Table 5 Dark Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="51"\r\n
Name="List Table 6 Colorful Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="52"\r\n
Name="List Table 7 Colorful Accent 2"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="46"\r\n
Name="List Table 1 Light Accent 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="47" Name="List Table 2 Accent 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="48" Name="List Table 3 Accent 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="49" Name="List Table 4 Accent 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="50" Name="List Table 5 Dark Accent 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="51"\r\n
Name="List Table 6 Colorful Accent 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="52"\r\n
Name="List Table 7 Colorful Accent 3"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="46"\r\n
Name="List Table 1 Light Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="47" Name="List Table 2 Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="48" Name="List Table 3 Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="49" Name="List Table 4 Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="50" Name="List Table 5 Dark Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="51"\r\n
Name="List Table 6 Colorful Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="52"\r\n
Name="List Table 7 Colorful Accent 4"/>\r\n
<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="46"\r\n
Name="List Table 1 Light Accent 5"/>\r\n
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<p>Stylo à bille rétractable. Surface du corps mate, injectée à partir de matières renouvelables à base de canne à sucre, clip opaque brillant en plastique standard, recharge senator® magic flow x20 (1.0 mm), longueur d'écriture jusqu'à 2000m, couleur d'encre ; bleue ou noire.</p>\r\n
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